Maxime Obadia
Neuro-vertebral decompression
To treat your back and neck pain in a specific way, and to avoid surgery
This file, which we hope will be as clear and precise as possible, is made available to you in order to inform you and explain the principle of neuro-spinal decompression.Indeed, this new technology, which has been approved in a clinic and in hospitals in Quebec, Canada – the United States, is now available within our institution.In order to provide you with the information that will enable you to make an informed decision and to be able to ask for our opinion on this new technique or not, please read this file in its entirety.Hoping that this report will give you the answers to your questions and allow you to better analyze it and know if this method is right for you and all possible treatment options.
At the end of this article, you will find a series of answers to the frequently asked questions around neuro-spinal decompression.
Thank you for your attention, the team of the Paris Raspail Paramedics.
In preamble..
It is worth noting that this treatment is of course highly competitive with the treatments offered by some rheumatologists as well as of course the surgical procedure performed by neurosurgeons or certain orthopaedic spine surgeons. This obviously leaves some medical specialists today unsying on this new procedure. Yet the strengths of this innovative technique are numerous; first of all its non-invasive method (thus non-traumatic unlike surgery), its gentle and patient-specific procedure (thanks to the multiple adjustments and adjustments proposed by the machine), the use of a natural technique without medication (contrary to infiltrations in particular or increased use of certain anti-inflammatory drugs).

The history of computerized neurovertebral decompression
The neurovertebral decompression table was invented by a Canadian physician, Dr. Allan Dyer in 1985 and first appeared on the market in 1991.
These first tables are equipped with a special pelvic harness. The patient is lengthened, then the device then applies a controlled tension along the axis of the spine, favouring the decompression of the lumbar region by the harness.
Treatment is proposed for sciatica, degenerative discopathies and disc hernias.
Since then, a dozen companies have been manufacturing decompression tables in the United States and Canada. In addition, the latest neurovertebral decompression technology still uses axial vertebral decompression, but it also allows computerized traction in all axis of range of motion, both in the lumbar and cervical regions. We use one of these new neurovertebral decompression tables, which was only designed in 2008.
What is spinal decompression?
Neurovertebral decompression, also known as spinal decompression, is a computer-controlled spinal traction surgery that allows the spine to be stretched beyond muscle resistance safely in order to create negative pressure inside the damaged intervertebral disc due to osteoarthritis or a herniated disc. This negative pressure, which generates centripetal force on the vertebra-disc structure, allows the disk to rehydrate and repair itself. Therefore, decompression reduces the pressure and settlement phenomena that accumulate on the discs and nerves through a mechanical decompression of the disk by suction resulting in a resorption of the hernia. Pain relief therefore occurs because of this resorption of the herniated disc: that is, the disc returns to its original form when the bulge or bulge of the disc disappears and the pressure exerted on the spinal nerves or spinal cord is decreased.
The definition of neurovertebral decompression (computerized)
Neurovertebral decompression is a recent technology used to treat herniated disc without surgery, by applying a complex series of tractions controlled by a sophisticated computer program. Conventional traction and bending-distraction do not allow adequate traction of the spine because at some point in the traction, the paravertebral muscles contract. Computerized neurovertebral decompression defies reflex muscle contractions caused by the stretching of the spine and thus allows a deep treatment that creates a suction effect between the two damaged vertebrae. This negative pressure at the disc level causes the bulge of the intervertebral disk (or herniated disc) to be attracted inwards by this negative pressure. As a result, the bulge or herniated disc has been resolved.
Neurovertebral decompression is aimed at all pathologies of vertebral-disc origin:
Neurovertebral decompression offers an innovative alternative to other conventional treatments offered by the medical profession, for those who suffer from acute or chronic back or neck pain due to:
- Osteoarthritis
- Disc degeneration (a disc disc lesion), radial crack disc lesion (b), disc lesion by logging of peripheral edges (c) cf. diagram)
- From a bulge of the disc (under class of herniated disc bearing the name of protrusion disc or protruding disc)
- From a herniated disc (of any type: single hernia, migrated hernia, hernia excluded, sequestered hernia cf. pattern)
The certainties concerning neurovertebral decompression:
We are certain that neurovertebral decompression can provide relief or even cure to a very large number of patients who suffer from a herniated disc, a bulge of the disc, discopathy caused by degeneration due to osteoarthritis (premature wear of the disc or thinning of the disc) and other conditions responsible for chronic pain in the lower back and neck.
A summary diagram of vertebro-disc degenerative conditions that can cause pain:

Synonyms of the treatment:
- Flexion-distraction
- Lumbar Traction
- Static Traction
- Axial Traction
- Inter-spinal decompression therapy
- Axial rotation
- The McManis ™ technique
Commonly treated pathologies:
- Acute or chronic low back pain
- Facet joint syndrome
- Lumbago
- Herniated disc
- Discal Bulging
- Cervical sprain – torticolis
- Cruralgia
- Scoliosis
- Hyperlordosis
- Spondylose
- Disc break
- Sciatica – lombo-sciatica
- Sciatalgia

Conclusion :
- The term vertebral decompression is used to refer to the result of a treatment that relieves pressure on one or more pinched nerves in the spine, regardless of the treatment.
- There are two categories of spinal decompression treatments: surgical and non-surgical.
- Computerized neurovertebral decompression is a type of non-surgical decompression treatment, as is conventional spinal traction, traction through an inversion table or a bend-distraction treatment.
- Traction and bend-distraction tables have been around for years, but none of them allow deep traction, as is the case with a computerized neurovertebral decompression table, because a contraction of the involuntary muscles of the back does not allow it, while the computerized system allows it by defying this musculature.
- The computerized spinal decompression table is the culmination of several years of research and the marriage of computer technology and traction. It is therefore a table of traction, bending and distraction controlled by a computer system capable of spinal decompression unmatched to this day. It is the natural evolution of all these tables of traction and bending-distraction.
- It would be impossible to manually apply a 30 kg pull for several minutes and to vary this traction precisely when the back muscles relax. All this is possible with a neurovertebral decompression table.
- The much higher price of neurovertebral decompression tables justifies the higher fees for a neurovertebral decompression treatment compared to a conventional manipulation session.